Flash Website Templates by WINKLET WEB DESIGN http://www.winkletwebdesign.com INSTRUCTIONS: Included with these instructions are 3 other files which are needed for your Flash site to run: template9.swf - this is compiled Flash file. index.html - the HTML page with the code that embeds the flash file on the page. temp9business.txt - the text file which you will be editing according to the instructions, which will update the content on your flash file. In order for everything to work properly, you must keep these files in the same directory on your local machine or on your website. The file you will be mostly working with is the "temp9business.txt" file. You can open and edit this file in any text editor but the text editor must support and be able to save as Unicode text. Notepad is the most common text editor but some versions do not support Unicode and the text may not appear properly when opening the file. If you encounter this problem, it is recommended you download the free text software called Metapad from http://www.liquidninja.com/metapad/ which does support Unicode. To make it easier to edit the text, make sure the Word Wrap option is on. There are several sections to the text file, each controlling a different part of your website. 1. Your company name 2. Company slogan 3. Title for homepage 4. Content for each page 5. Contact e-mail address (which appears on every page). ** Button names and titles for subsequent pages are not editable on this free version, but they are on the full version. Each section variable begins with "&", for example: &companyname= It is after the "=" where you would type your company name which will appear on the site. Default information has been entered for each section which you are to replace with your own information. For example, if your company name is Winklet Web Design, the first part of your text file would look like this: &companyname=Winklet Web Design Which could be followed by: &slogan=Cutting Edge Flash Templates Follow the same format for each section. &hometitle is the variable for the title that appears on the home page. &hometext is the variable for the home page text. &page1text, &page2text … &page5text are the variables for each subsequent page text content. Default text has been entered, which you may replace with your own desired text. See the Special Text Formatting instructions for further information on properly formatting this text. Do not modify the very last variable and value: &textloaded=OK This is needed so Flash can detect when all the text for the site is loaded. As you work with the text file, view the site as you go by opening the index.html file in your web browser. As soon as you save the text file with your updated text, you'll see the changes immediately on the Flash site when you refresh your browser. FORMATTING THE TEXT: There are a few special instructions you must follow to format line breaks and display certain characters. * To skip to the next line, instead of pressing the "Enter" key to move down, place the following html tag to indicate a single line break:
* For example, two lines of text would be formatted like this: This is the first line of text.
This is the second line of text. And they would appear on your site like this: This is the first line of text. This is the second line of text. * If you wish to skip 2 lines (as in making two separate paragraphs), you may either press the "Enter" key to go to the next line (this will actually make it appear on the site that 2 lines have been skipped), or you may enter two
tags. * The ampersand ("&") will not work if typed into your text because it is a reserved character and is used to separate each variable. Do not type a "&" for any of your text, including page titles, slogan and company name. To make the "&" appear properly, type %26 instead – this is the URL encoded value for this character. Your text file may look funny with a %26 on it, but your web page will display it as the ampersand. * The same as above applies to the plus sign ("+"). Instead of typing the plus sign, you must type %2b instead. * FYI, the URL encoded value for a single line break is %0d which can also be used instead of the html tag
. If you are familiar with HTML, you may use some HTML in the body of your text for the page content. You can use the following formatting in HTML: 1. Bold 2. Underline 3. Italics 4. Font Color 5. Font Face 6. Bullet lists 7. Hyperlinks 8. Paragraphs Any HTML that includes attributes, such as font color, must have double quotes around the attribute, for example: Image tags, font size tags, and tables will not be displayed properly and should not be used. THE HTML FILE: You may edit any part of the HTML file you wish, however do not change the code between the and tags. That is what places the flash (.swf) file into your site. If you like this template and want to remove our link from the template and customize your page and button names, purchase the full version. Visit our website at http://www.winkletwebdesign.com!